Dubai Airport

في عام 2018 ، مع مطارات دبي عملت مع الموهبة المؤسسة لإنشاء وإدارة تطمح المرأة برنامج غامرة برنامج تنمية القدرات القيادية مصممة الشركة الإناث المديرين والقادة.

Dubai Airports Women

"The Aspiring Women Programme helped participants learn, grow and build confidence as well as be open to new ways of working."

- Cathy ONeill
- Head Talent Development


في عام 2018 ، مع مطارات دبي عملت مع الموهبة المؤسسة لإنشاء وإدارة تطمح المرأة برنامج غامرة برنامج تنمية القدرات القيادية مصممة الشركة الإناث المديرين والقادة.


  • To provide the essential tools, techniques and skills required to develop personally and professionally as a manager and leader at Dubai Airports
  • To lead from a place of strength, with authenticity, confidence and intention
  • To build a strong network and support structure of Emirati women at Dubai Airports
  • To embark on a journey of continuous learning


TTE and Dubai Airports designed and rolled out The Aspiring Women’s Programme, taking 20 Emirati women through an intensive journey. It consisted of workshops, coaching and assignments delivered by TTE through 6 modules over 9 months that included:

  • TTE’s Thriving Index Psychometric Strengths Assessment, to identify their strengths and understand what they need to thrive at work
  • High impact communication workshops conducted in a theatre, using improvisional techniques
  • Harvard Executive Education case studies, on how organisations evolve their strategy in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
  • One module on developping a solution-focused mindset, building and nurturing powerful networks, influencing their stakeholders and effectively navigate their own career success
  • Role plays and reflective discussions highlighting various aspects of cultural bias that exists in the workplace


Overall, the Programme received excellent feedback for all participants, across all dimensions of quality, impact and actionability.

Download the complete case study

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