360 Perspective Index®

Predict optimal performance through powerful, cutting edge assessments.

70% + of organizations use multi-rater feedback, but a
majority don’t translate the feedback into meaningful
development actions.

360 Perspective Index®
360 Perspective Index®
360 Perspective Index®

THE 360 Perspective Index® gives you the flexibility to customize and target your survey so that organizations and participants get feedback they can trust.

THE 360 Perspective Index® delivers developmental insight that provides an actionable roadmap for change.

THE 360 Perspective Index® offers video feedback technology whilst maintaining data privacy and confidentiality.


Mercer Talent Enterprise 360 Perspective Index® offers organizations the flexibility of customising their
survey, the ability to deliver an engaging user experience to their employees as well as meaningful and
easy-to-understand individual and organizational insight.




Both the organization and individual gain considerable insight through TTE’s 360
Perspective Index® through its clear and comprehensive reports.

360 Perspective Index®

Individual Report offers

Organizational report offers

A Seamless Online User Experience

Mercer Talent Enterprise 360 Perspective Index® allows clients to manage the entire process through our
innovative Lighthouse platform. 

Combining real-time, custom analytics and reporting, Lighthouse enables un-cluttered, objective
decision making on your key talent priorities.

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