عالية الأداء التدريب وقادة فرق
المرجع: التدريب الدولية الاتحاد
Mercer Talent Enterprise coaching interventions can be stand-alone or part of a larger leadership development program.
Our panel of over 80+ certified coaches work across all levels of seniority from early career coaching to executive coaching for C-Suite leaders and senior government stakeholders.
لدينا عملية التدريب يضمن استخدام النفسية و 360 أدوات فضلا عن تدابير أخرى لتقييم العائد على الاستثمار والتدريب أثر.
إدراك نقاط القوة يؤدي إلى نمو أسرع
نتائج البحوث دعم الاقتراح أنه من المهم للناس أن استخدام القوة ليس فقط أعرفهم (Govindji و لينلي, 2007). مساعدة وكوك تصبح على بينة من قوتهم يضعهم على الطريق لسرعة النمو والتنمية.
استكشاف Blindspots, Derailers والقيود
While we follow a strengths based approach to coaching, we also work with our coachees to understand and recognize blindspots, including the under-use or over-use of strengths and other leadership derailers and limitations.
فهم القيادة تأثير
Our approach to coaching challenges a leader’s view on the impact of their strengths, blind spots, and the limitations of others, enabling a deeper and more authentic leadership approach.
Mercer Talent Enterprise’s RISE Coaching Model is a strengths-based approach and focuses on identifying, committing to and sustaining longer-term behavioral changes, where the coach and coachee work closely together in a psychologically safe and a positively challenging manner.
Through a process of self-discovery and by identifying the intention of the coaching, the coach helps identify strengths and potential blindspots for each coachee, and agrees on clear actions that leads to tangible personal and organizational impact. A minimum of 6-9 coaching sessions are recommended based on Mercer Talent Enterprise’s RISE process, which enables both the coach and the coachee to embark on a meaningful behavioral change journey.
Tools may vary based on the purpose of the project as well as the client requirements
Mercer Talent Enterprise’s coaching was the glue that held the Program together.
بريجيت Sitzberger مديرتنمية المواهب مصدر