Coaching for Impact

High Performance Coaching for Leaders and Teams

Why is Coaching so Powerful?

Powerfull Coaching
  • Lasting Impact Coaching provides lasting impact and sustainable improvements
  • ROI Research shows that companies that invest in coaching achieve up to 7X return on investment through increased engagement, retention and discretionary efforts
  • Combined Training and Coaching Training combined with coaching increases productivity by an average of 86% compared to 22% with stand alone training
  • Repeating Coaching 92% of leaders being coached say they plan to use a coach again

Reference: International Coaching Federation

Mercer Talent Enterprise’s Strength Based Coaching Approach.

Mercer Talent Enterprise coaching interventions can be stand-alone or part of a larger leadership development program.

Our panel of over 80+ certified coaches work across all levels of seniority from early career coaching to executive coaching for C-Suite leaders and senior government stakeholders.

Our coaching process embeds the use of psychometric and 360 tools as well as other measures to assess ROI and coaching impact.


An Awareness Of Strengths Leads To Faster Growth

The research findings support the suggestion that it is important for people to use their strengths, not just know them, (Govindji and Linley, 2007). Helping a coachee become aware of their strengths sets them on a route for faster growth and development.


Exploring Blindspots, Derailers And Limitations

While we follow a strengths based approach to coaching, we also work with our coachees to understand and recognize blindspots, including the under-use or over-use of strengths and other leadership derailers and limitations.


Understanding Leadership Impact

Our approach to coaching challenges a leader’s view on the impact of their strengths, blind spots, and the limitations of others, enabling a deeper and more authentic leadership approach.

Our RISE Coaching Process.

Mercer Talent Enterprise’s RISE Coaching Model is a strengths-based approach and focuses on identifying, committing to and sustaining longer-term behavioral changes, where the coach and coachee work closely together in a psychologically safe and a positively challenging manner.

Through a process of self-discovery and by identifying the intention of the coaching, the coach helps identify strengths and potential blindspots for each coachee, and agrees on clear actions that leads to tangible personal and organizational impact. A minimum of 6-9 coaching sessions are recommended based on Mercer Talent Enterprise’s RISE process, which enables both the coach and the coachee to embark on a meaningful behavioral change journey.

Representative Tools Used for Coaching.

Tools may vary based on the purpose of the project as well as the client requirements

Leadership Attributes

The Thriving Index® Critical behaviors, strengths and personality across 34 factors mapped to the clients' competencies

Leadership Impact

The 360 Perspective Index® with the Leadership Derailer Index® or the Hogan Development Survey Measuring the pre and post impact of coachees 360 / multi-rater feedback, including identification on leadership derailers and limitations

Mercer Talent Enterprise’s coaching was the glue that held the Program together.

For More Information Contact Us