Element X

We are bringing workplace well-being closer to you.

Element X is a self report assessment that enables individuals, teams and organizations to maintain an awareness of their overall workplace well-being, and take appropriate actions to develop, sustain or enhance their levels of employee well-being.

Element X captures a range of determinants of well-being through an integrated framework consisting of nine elements and thirty six sub-drivers, providing an extremely comprehensive and contemporary view of well-being. Ranging from the typical elements of well-being such as health, stress, burnout, challenge, access to green spaces etc. as well as those that have become increasingly important in our current lifestyles and working practices such as digital balance, working remotely, work life balance, feeling valued, recognition and many others.

Assess Individual & Workplace Well-Being

Includes elements of well-being that are personal such as physical well-being and a satisfactory or desired way to exist; as well as workplace well-being that enables individuals to thrive at work

Powerful Validation Results

Validated with a number of well-established measures around Engagement, Life Evaluation, Eudaimonic Well-being as well as the Personal Well-being Index

Immersive and Engaging Experience

Element X offers a visually appealing and dynamic user experience which is actually engaging to complete, typically in less than ten minutes

Importance and Satisfaction Takeaways

Provides clear, meaningful and actionable results, not only for satisfaction levels with different elements of well-being, but also the relative importance for each. Key takeaways from the reporting include priority recommendations for mindset, productivity and lifestyle changes

Detailed Profiling at Each Level

Individual and consolidated results for teams and organizations to easily identify areas where they are doing well and where more focus from a well-being perspective is required

Track Workplace Well-being Overtime

Measures well-being at a point in time as well over a period of time. 
Recommended frequency to be completed every three to four months

Assess Impact and Get Started

Element X can be used to assess the impact of ongoing corporate well-being initiatives as well as assist with getting started on a targeted well-being journey

Available in Multiple Languages

Element X is available in a wide range of languages, including English, French and Arabic

Element X Assessment

Element X offers an immersive survey experience with interactive sliding scales and dynamic imagery.

Element X Individual Report

This is a baseline report that established well-being at a point in time for individuals. This report shows satisfaction with all the elements and sub-elements included in the Element X framework, along with their relative importance. This report also summarises the emotions or moods experienced most significantly by individuals at this point of time. 

Element X Group Report

This is a group level baseline report that combines results for everyone from a certain group such as a team, Business Unit or the organization. Group Baseline reports help recognise organizational priorities for well-being by identifying elements that need more focus or development as well as those that need to be sustained because the employees feel relatively more satisfied with them.

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