Radhika Punshi, The Talent Enterprise

Radhika Punshi

Managing Director and Partner

Radhika Punshi is the Co-Founder and Managing Director at Mercer Talent Enterprise. As an organisational psychologist and HR expert, she advises clients on strategic human capital issues and challenges, including building the competitiveness of local talent, with a key focus on youth and female inclusion. With an Ivy League education and two Masters Degrees in Organisational Behavior and Psychology, Radhika is the first person from the MENASA region to be awarded a degree in Positive Psychology. She served on founding Board of Directors of the prestigious International Positive Psychology Association and is a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Radhika is a sought-after expert in the areas of talent assessment, leadership, employee engagement, happiness & well-being. Over the past decade, Radhika has worked with over 150+ organisations, leading projects in Government, Retail, Aviation, Healthcare, Energy, Hospitality, Banking & Financial Services, Real Estate sectors as well as diversified Conglomerates. 

At Mercer Talent Enterprise, Radhika leads client solutioning, including the design and delivery of client projects. Along with our experienced team of in-house psychologists, Radhika also steers the on-going research and development of all our psychometric tools and assessment solutions, grounded in positive psychology, such as the Thriving Index. She has also co-developed a series of positive education led programs to help develop critical skills for life for youth, such as our flagship program StrengthsCompass. 

Prior to joining Mercer Talent Enterprise, Radhika was part of the founding team for the MENA region at Aon Hewitt as an Associate Partner and Head of Innovation. She also worked with Campus Philly in the USA, a prominent not-for-profit organisation focused on the development of Philadelphia as a regional talent hub. Previously, Radhika helped set up HR Centres of Excellence for Sapient, a leading global technology consulting firm. 

Radhika is a published author and her books include ‘Unlocking the Paradox of Plenty’ highlighting the labour market opportunities in the region and the award-winning book on females in the Arab world titled ‘Game-Changers’. 

Radhika is a self-confessed workaholic and we don’t believe there is ever a time when she is not working! In her alter life, she would possibly be running an interior design firm or be a travel journalist. Her biggest stress buster is her 2 year old daughter, Ayana, who is preparing to intern with us in the summer ☺