Supporting Greater Diversity and Inclusion at the Workplace
"من دون شك ، وزيادة فرص العمل ومشاركة المرأة ليس فقط الشيء الصحيح الذي ينبغي القيام به ، ولكن أيضا أن تفعل الشيء الذكية لأصحاب العمل والمجتمعات النساء بالطبع. الجماعية تمثيل داخل القوى العاملة يشكل خسارة كبيرة في الإنتاجية ، ونحن ببساطة لا تستطيع أن تستمر في النفايات. وممارسات العمل تحتاج إلى تغيير إلى تشجيع المزيد من النساء على الدخول و البقاء في العمل. انها ليست أن المرأة ليست على استعداد مكان العمل ؛ بطرق عديدة ومن أماكن العمل التي لا استعداد لها النساء".
عبر معظم "ناشئة" الأسواق العديد من 'المتقدمة' البلدان نحن هنا أمام مفارقة فريدة من نوعها ، حيث أننا يفقدون 50% من القوى العاملة النسائية في كل خطوة من الانتقال الوظيفي.
This is a significant lost opportunity for employers, the female workforce and the labor market. In addition to a lack of representation at senior levels, women are greatly under-represented in core businesses and technical roles across most industries and organizations. While its early days to fully assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender balance, this paradox is expected to be further exacerbated and accelerated, resulting in more women losing their jobs or opting out of formal employment and after the pandemic.
While there are some commonalities in creating and delivering leadership development programs, our research at Mercer Talent Enterprise has established that there are some critical areas of focus for enabling and empowering female talent at the workplace. These include:
(Source: Qualitative and quantitative research for our award-winning book ‘Game Changers’ by Mercer Talent Enterprise)
Developing a comprehensive solution that caters to enhancing the skills of women in the workplace and building a customizable plan that generally entails three phases. Below is a brief illustration of the components for each phase and the estimated timelines.
1 شهر
3-6-9 أشهر البرامج
1-2 شهر
Below are the findings for participants and organizations based on Mercer Talent Enterprise pre and post assessment results.
Most times, I am generally comfortable with public speaking
من 26% إلى 78%
I have the information, knowledge and skills I need to develop in my career
من 53% إلى 100%
I am usually comfortable in disclosing about my genuine self at work
من 68% إلى 94%
I am aware of my strengths and areas of development
من 68% إلى 100%
I have developed the confidence to become more visible in the organization
من 42 ٪ إلى 100 ٪
I am proud of my strengths and accomplishments
من 34% إلى 70%
I feel happier
من 56 ٪ إلى 100 ٪
I have better relationships at work and in my personal life
من 52% إلى 82%
Partnering with DHL to deliver a built-for-purpose global women in leadership program, known as DHLforHer across Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. The 9 month program is based on our research on D&I, and includes immersive sessions on authentic leadership, business impact and leading for the future, as well as a TED style talks by participants to conclude the program.
Working closely with DXC Technology, a global USD 20 billion company with over 138,000 employees on their D&I agenda, including the design and delivery of their flagship SheLeads@DXC program with over 300+ women leaders, creating an eco-system for change.
Worked closely with CBD to design and deliver a customized women in leadership program for their senior most female leaders across the Bank. The program journey was 6 months and included 5 modules, and our signature TED Style talks.
Working with Dubai Airports supporting female inclusion and developing their careers. Now in its third year, we have worked with 100+ leaders as part of the Aspiring Women’s program, a 9 month immersive learning experience. Along with Dubai Airports, the program also included nominated participants from Dubai Police and Dubai Immigration.
Partnered with Al Rajhi bank to design and deliver a unique, and first of its kind, all women graduate program. The 12 month program focused on modules on topics related to Leading Self, Working with Teams, Workplace Essentials and the program was delivered completely in Arabic.