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تحليلات الرؤى العلمية

Mercer Talent Enterprise provides in-depth insights into understanding and analyzing the behavior of individuals, teams and organizations, helping you make informed talent decisions on your most critical people priorities.

حلول التقييم الخاص بنا.

Combining the latest technological advancements and behavioral science, our assessment products include, contemporary psychometrics, flexible 360 and multi-rater surveys, gamified cognitive assessments, and immersive virtual centers. Together, these tools provide you with unified assessment products to support your career guidance, recruitment, talent management, leadership development, workplace well-being, and succession planning requirements.

Behavior and Personality

Assess signature strengths and potential blindspots which impact behavior through our leading-edge psychometric assessment, The Thriving Index®.

و القيم

Understand the underlying motivators, aspirations and other key drivers of individuals through a series of specialized assessment tools.


Assess numerical fluency, reasoning, error detection and much more with our wide range of gamified, cognitive-based AGILE series.

إستبيان 360 و الدراسات الإستقصائية متعددة التقييم

استكشف إستبيان 360 Perspective Index® الخاص بنا، مع المسح الشامل و متعدد التقييم بإستخدام الفيديو والذي يمكن تخصيصه و فقاً لإحتياجات عملك وإستراتيجيتك.®, an in-depth, engaging, video-enabled multi-rater survey that can be customized to your business needs and strategy.

الإرشاد المهني

Discover the future of work through our Career Thriving Index which assesses suitability across 24 occupations, 95 sub occupations and 1000’s of potential jobs.

Innovation and

Gain valuable insight on the innovation potential and mindset of your employees and teams in order to accelerate your innovation and digitization priorities.

تحديد قادة المستقبل

Conduct an in-depth, objective mapping of your future leaders and high potentials based on our proprietary talent framework.

Virtual Centers

Facilitate immersive virtual and in-person assessments using a variety of tools such as business simulations, inbox, case study presentations and video interviews.

Well-being and Engagement

Our approach to well-being has been based on over 10+ years of research in the areas of subjective well-being, positive health, positive psychology and employee engagement. 

حلول التقييم الخاص بنا.

Combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and behavioral science, our assessment products include contemporary psychometrics, flexible 360 and multi-rater surveys, neuroscience based gamified cognitive assessments, immersive virtual centres and AI driven video interviewing technology. Together, these tools provide you with a unified assessment products to support your career guidance, recruitment, talent management, leadership development and succession planning requirements.

Behavior and Personality

Assess signature strengths and potential blindspots that impact behavior through our leading-edge psychometric assessment, The Thriving Index®.


قم بتقييم الطلاقة العددية، و القدرة على الإستنتاج، و إكتشاف الأخطاء و غيرها الكثير من خلال تجربة مجموعتنا الواسعة من سلسلة AGILE المستندة إلى علم الأعصاب باستخدام اسلوب الgamification.

جودة الحياة
™Element X

في عصر التباعد الإجتماعي، نجعل السلامة العامة و الرفاهية أقرب إليك.

إستبيان 360 و الدراسات الإستقصائية متعددة التقييم

استكشف إستبيان 360 Perspective Index® الخاص بنا، مع المسح الشامل و متعدد التقييم بإستخدام الفيديو والذي يمكن تخصيصه و فقاً لإحتياجات عملك وإستراتيجيتك.®, a comprehensive, engaging, video-enabled multi-rater survey that can be customized to your business needs and strategy.

الإرشاد المهني

إكتشف مستقبل العمل من خلال مؤشر الإزدهار الوظيفي (Career Thriving Index) الذي يقيم مدى الملاءمة عبر 24 مهنة و 95 وظيفة فرعية و 1000 وظيفة محتملة.

Innovation and

Gain valuable insight on the innovation potential and mindset of your employees and teams in order to accelerate your innovation and digitization priorities.

تحديد قادة المستقبل

قم بإجراء تخطيط شامل وموضوعي لتحديد قادة المستقبل وإمكانياتك العالية بناءً على إطار عمل المواهب الخاص بنا.

Virtual Centers

تسهيل التقييمات الإفتراضية والشخصية الغامرة بإستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من الأدوات مثل محاكاة الأعمال و البريد الوارد و عروض دراسة الحالة و مقابلات الفيديو.

Wellbeing and Engagement

يعتمد نهجنا في الرفاهية على أكثر من 10 سنوات من البحث في مجالات الرفاهية الذاتية والصحة الإيجابية وعلم النفس الإيجابي ومشاركة الموظفين. 

الفوائد للشركات.

  • 3x increase in the candidate selection ratio for talent acquisition and up to 70% success ratio on hiring*

    *Candidate success ratio using our Agile Cognitive Ability® and The Thriving Index® as stage 1, candidates have up to 70% chance of selection through our assessment center process and final selection stage, as seen across our hiring / selection process.
  • Achieved up to 96% positive feedback on overall employee experience from candidate reviews for a major governmental Oil and Gas company in the GCC, 2018.
  • The Thriving Index® effectively predicts over 36% of engagement variance and 44% of happiness variance, showcasing its strength through insights on Energy, Optimism, and Mastery.
  • Proven prediction with high potential talent explaining over 1/3 the variance

إبدأ الآن

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